Afghanistan all-rounder Mohammad Nabi is all set to retire from the longest format of the game after the ongoing one-off match being played against Bangladesh at the Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium, Chittagong.”Yes, he (Nabi) will retire after the ongoing Test match,” Nazim Jar Abdurrahimzai, team manager of the Afghanistan cricket team, confirmed to Cricbuzz.
It is expected that Nabi’s decision to draw curtains to Test match career is his attempt at prolonging his limited-overs career. Notably, the ongoing match is only his third Test match.
It is to be noted that Afghanistan are not featuring in the ICC World Test Championship. Only the nine top-ranked teams are fighting it out in the World Test Championship, competing in a total of 71 test matches and 27 bilateral Test series. Afghanistan will next play West Indies in a one-off Test match scheduled from 27 November in Dehradun.
The right-handed batsman and off-spinning option, Nabi, remains a wonderful asset in white-ball cricket. It is in the T20 Internationals that Nabi brings his best to the table and is expected to play a vital role in Afghanistan’s T20 World Cup campaign in Australia next year.